Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Inside Passage to Ketchikan

There are various ways of getting around in many of the out of the way places of Alaska. This ferry takes cars across the bay for workers and shoppers.
fishermen have their own way of getting places.
The float plane and bush planes are two of the ways of getting around.
This was a neat island light house that helps the boaters of the area.
and of course for the ones in a hurry, there is always the speed boat.

a bald eagle sitting on the iceberg waiting for dinner.
this big paddle wheeler is taking tours to see the glaciers
these snow whites are waiting for a glacier to calf . When that happens all sorts of bugs and lichen are exposed that they live on. They are floating on an iceberg.
the birds will float on whatever is handy while waiting for food.
This glacier calved and the birds are all flying around eating.

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