Monday, December 11, 2006

5 mo's/9500 miles the circle is complete -we're home

Arizona landscape is sparse but beautiful with the mountains in the background. Nice to see and leave behind as we head home.

You know you are in California with all the windmills. There are some in other states but not as many in our desert.

The mountains in the distance,even though hazy are great to see.

And the traffic-who could forget the 3:15 homeward bound workers headed out of Orange County. We did not miss this or see this much traffic in any of our travels.

The cirlce of states are complete -next year we'll fill in some of the missing states as well as a trip to Alaska via Canada. The trip is to resume the end of March 07.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Through New Mexico to Arizona then to CA

Adding the last new state before reaching home. New Mexico

Sunrise in New Mexico was beautiful and the landscape had more to offer as well.
This is a massive rock mountain at one of the rest stops.
Across the distance driving through New Mexico.
A view of Arizona as we get closer. We stay for the week end and head home Monday (after the rain in Ca). The weather in Mesa Az is in the 70's and 80's with a mild wind. A great way to end a long trip before returning home.

leaving Texas for home

As we prepare to leave for Ca and the correct mirror still not in after 3 weeks of trying, we had to do a "fix". Hopefully it will last until we are in Ca.

With the sleet and snow we discovered a large amount of ice on the slide as we put it in. we had to put it in and back out to remove the ice before it would seal and not leak inside.

We thought this was an interesting way to decorate the over pass at one freeway exit. It was done in mosaic tiles.
Texas is mainly flat in the western side with lots of oil wells as the two views below show.