Tuesday, March 31, 2009

airshow and fishing stuff

The airshow also had a variety of old cars as shown in the next few photos

And a riding cooler for those that can not get to far from their beverage of choice. I wonder, can you get a DUI on a riding cooler if you drink too much or would you fall off first.

one of the stunt planes at the Riverside airshow
a c17 in flight. This plane has too back up down the runway and then take off. It throws a massive amount of dirt into the air.
here it is on the ground before take off.
a wing walker with the flag on top of the plane.
there were several formations like this one
Bil caught a 6lbs 14 oz trout - not bad for this lake
of course there are always the feathered type of fishers as well.
These birds were waiting on the dock for the fish truck to stock the lake.
as they were stocking the lake a ranger would fire a firecracker type thing so the birds would be scared away and give the fishermen at least a small chance to catch something.
you can see the fish being dropped into the lake.

CA wild flower trip & around the parks

A wonderful way too view the snow--at a distance.

Double click and see the Osprey catching a fish right at the water's edge.
Vultures drying their wings after the rains.
This is a strange blue, black and white speckled and striped bird. No idea what it is.
A red hawk circling overhead. It was awesome too see.
A cardinal outside of our window.
When your windshield looks like a road map you have to have it replaced. It was quit an ordeal as shown below. It took the men about 3-4 hours too replace it.

This is Lake Farris (named for our friend Roger) it was his motor home that was in all the rain water. They had too build a bridge sort of thing as they could not get in or out like it was.
Ice residue left after we pulled the slide in one morning. It looked like a sheet of glass falling off the slide.
This is the start of the wildflower drive we took one day. This is a blooming cactus plant.
blue and red flowers intertwined the cactus and other plants.
This was an interesting flower and the only one like it I found.
A barrel cactus just waiting for someone to touch it.
Flowers along the roadside were everywhere in this area.- Down toward the Warrener Hot Springs area. The following are all from the same area.