Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Across Utah & back to Ca then to TX & our winter break

 7527.9 miles from leaving Ca in the spring till the return to TX in Oct.
  Some of the sights across West Texas --other than tumbleweeds.

Is this what happens if you are in the Texas wilderness to long?

This "homestead" may go with the car above. I guess you can do as you like here. lol

Not sure if these are gourds or some sort of melons. There were two large fields of them.

We saw these yellow flowers from Montana and into Texas, very hardy flowers.
 Back into Texas and the trip through AZ and NM with a great full moon one night.

My buddy and long time friend Georgianna.

 Our last days at Rancho had some beautiful sunsets.

The moon was awesome though not full yet.
 The back lake of Rancho is drying up due to not enough rain and basically drought conditions.

A couple of vultures waiting for dinner.

This is a Jackie sky.
 A side trip in Utah on a dirt road and a very dusty car provide the photos below.
 The grounds and house of the Page family built in 1900 and what is left of it now.

 The 1900 Page Ranch house served as a home for 34 yrs and a boarding house of workers in the nearby iron mines.
Some of the hazards on the road.

 Even in the back country God's beauty is everywhere. We found lots of various flowers.

The road and all it's dirt.

These wagons were in front of the Page home.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Cedar Breaks National Park, Red Rock Canyon and Zion National Park

Following are some things seen in Zion and on the way to the park. Further down are the other parks. Enjoy a walk through the parks with us.

The tunnel is a mile long
            A couple of views through the tunnel windows cut for exhaust elimination.

On the way to and in Cedar Breaks. Many beautiful sights including our friends.