Monday, August 23, 2010

Around MN and a side trip to Wisc

Back to MN from Wisc. Amazing with all the open land the houses are on top of each other just like in CA. Due to the size and age I am guessing that is how they were built in the early days.
A storm is brewing as we are on our way back to MN.

Some old buildings in a Wisc town-two are small stone buildings.
An old barn in a field of flowers in Wisc. It was nice to see there are still fields of flowers around, though it is getting later in the year.
a field of flowers in Wisconsin

A line of people waiting for their turn to buy corn at the corn fest in Oglive MN-a fund raising affair for the city.
Corn waiting to be cooked at the corn fest.
Interesting mushroom in this old tree stump.

A visitor to the neighboring campers.
Old school now house in Grady MN
Old church in Grady Mn next to the old school.
Dick and Bil spent many hours in the boat after the elusive fish.

Sunset over Knife Lake in MN
This deer appears to have been attacked and escaped it's predator. See it's hind quarters and the scars that appear to be claw marks.
Stormy night sky at Knife Lake--there were many of those.
A couple of photos of Osprey in their nests.

one lone eagle was seen in the same area as the osprey's.