Sunday, October 09, 2011

Texas -family, friends and fishing

Indianola was a city here in the late 1800's until the hurricanes did it in.

One of the beautiful roads we side tripped on. Trees are still green in Texas but no so much the grass. In fact at a friends house in Louisville you could hear the grass crunch. They have a strict watering ban on and the days allowed are not enough to keep it green.

A side trip found us on a mountain near this old rock house.
This mega mover lifts oil rigs and moves them in the ocean.
One of the oil rigs Bil and Marcus saw on their fishing trip.
The sand is so white you had to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
One of the shrimp boats that fish the waters of Bayside Texas.

We were in the migration path of the hummingbirds while at our friends on the coast. We were blessed with a couple of days of hundreds of birds.
Marcus and Beth's kids at play.
Marcus's dogs at play with one of the kids socks.
Marcus did a repair job for us. Giant RV did a very bad job and we had a leak on the slide.
The rain pouring off the awning of the slide.
We saw this duck near a river. It looks like it has a cap on it's head. It is fluffy down.
The Texas sky getting ready to let go on us.
More critters of a not nice kind cleaning up the roadside.
One of the neat old towns we went through and below is one of the buildings.

So everything is bigger in Texas including "mobile homes." We had to find a wide spot and get off the road as he took the whole road to pass us in the coach. They did give us a warning as seen in the nest photo.

The beach at Oceanside where we stayed for a while.
One of our many storms. It is amazing how many shots I took to catch one strike of lightening.
The fence around an antique place in the country.
They do garages different along the hurricane coasts.

As always I am looking for the animals.
Kerrville Texas has this huge lighted cross on a hill overlooking the city.
Camper in progress? Being torn apart? Not really sure as it was just sitting in a field.
Nice bell tower in one of the towns we explored.
So is this a car you would drive or would you be "too chicken."

Pamela is 8 and is very tall for her age. She is hiding behind her favorite kitten.
Pamela playing in her indoor tent.
One of the neat old buildings we have seen while traveling.
The whole of Texas is very dry - once we got to the coast we finally had some greenery.
Even in the dry the cactus is in bloom.

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