So do you think the double deck pumps are for the double deck buses?????
This is a living stump as shown by the sign below.
Wild irises found on a walk with my cousin.
This flower tree is all white and looks like snow when the whole tree is in bloom.
A view down the creek from the dam on my cousins land.
This is a dam on my cousins land in Oregon-when the kids were little they would load rocks down stream to make a swimming area.
A mountain we saw on one of our drives.
Crater Lake has more snow this year than when we were here in June of 2007.
across the valley and the Rogue in Oregon
some of the falls on the Rogue River
a swinging bridge across the river-yeah good luck with crossing that one
Bil headed for Crater Lake- yes we are in snow again. It truly is the summer of our winter.
a nice walking path on the Rogue river
a bridge to nowhere
We took a Jet boat ride down the Rogue River. The captain took it up to 55 MPH.
As you can see in these photos we still had rainy, cloudy days. Fairly typical since leaving CA in early May. Hopefully it will get better. These photos are all from the boat ride.
It was a very windy ride as you can see by my hair---no it is not a comb over. The captain did several 360's and sprayed everyone with water as well. Great fun.
This canyon was used in a couple of movies-Rooster Cogburn with John Wayne, a Matt Dillon jumped in to escape from some bad guys in an episode of Gunsmoke. They jumped from the top of the rocks into the river.
Some wild life seen along the way. This is an Osprey rookery.
A parent Osprey looking for food below. They build their nests over water sources.
This eagle sat for us to get some photos-or perhaps he too was waiting for some food below.
This deer took notice of the boat and then kept on with her foraging. In a side shot we could see she was heavy with a baby soon to be born according to the captain.
There were lots of Blue Herons along the route and of course more Canadian geese than any other type bird.
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