Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Mt Rushmore, Rapid city & Deadwood SD

Several different shots of Mount Rushmore. Over the visitor center. Mount Rushmore represents the biggest work of art on earth. Each face is 60 ft high and would fit on a man that is 465 ft tall.
Close up and personal (as you can get)
Through one of the tunnels along the route to the park.
Through the trees from a distance.
Profile of President Washington.
Rapid City S D has a parade of presidents in their downtown district. Currently they have 27 US Presidents in bronze dressed as they would have been in their time. They plan to complete all the presidents and add to them as they leave office. Below is President Kennedy and John Jr.
President Martin Van Buren -just to show a couple of different eras.
Deadwood S D has a lot of history not the least of it the gold discovered there. There are numerous old buildings as shown below as well as the history of Wild Bill Hickok & Calamity Jane.
This building is the original one (rebuilt due to a fire in the late 1800"s) that the famous card game was played out that precipitated the killing of Wild Bill.

This is Back Bar has been in this salon since 1925 and is made of cherry wood. It is beautiful, see below.
Following are the signs regarding the killing of Wild Bill as well as his and Calamity Jane's graves with the signs put up by the city.

The card game.
Wild Bill statue was done in 1991.

Calamity Jane -stories had it that she was Bill's girlfriend - but it was only stories as he was said to be only a friend of hers. But that is why she made the request noted on her sign below.

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